Register an event or activity

Do you have an event that you would like to see included in the What's On guide for Amstelveen? No problem!
Fill out the form below. The editors check that everything complies with the conditions and will add the event to the agenda within 5 working days. 
The most important condition is that the event takes place in Amstelveen and appeals to a broad target audience.
Events of a religious or political nature are not included. 

Is your event in English or does language not apply to the event at all? Then add 'language no problem' to the descriptionGoogle (Android 11); UK: Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Need help? Review the instructions here. If you still have a question, please contact


If the activity is free, please insert 0.

Date & time
Where does the activity take place?
Add image

Attention: Minimal size is 1600x1200 pixels (max. 3MB). Image may not contain text. Square or landscape work best.

No image selected

Your information

This data will not be published. Contact details are for internal purpose only so that our redaction team can contact you for questions or comments regarding the activity.

* Fields with an asterisk are required.
