Schouwburg Amstelveen
Theater Amstelveen
The best offer in the region. Theater, cabaret, opera, dance, music, musicals and youth theater. You can see it all at Schouwburg Amstelveen.
Schouwburg Amstelveen is located in the city center, and is also the cultural heart of Amstelveen. Here the most beautiful plays are performed, you can enjoy the funniest comedians and you can even learn something during one of the many theater lectures.
In addition to all the theater performances in the Grote and Kleine Zaal, there is an extensive film offer from arthouse to popular (youth) films and documentaries in the Filmzaal and in the main hall of the theater.
Theater Schouwburg Amstelveen
Various performances are given in …
Theater Amstelveen
The best offer in the region. Theater, cabaret, opera, dance, music, musicals and youth theater. You can see it all at Schouwburg Amstelveen.
Schouwburg Amstelveen is located in the city center, and is also the cultural heart of Amstelveen. Here the most beautiful plays are performed, you can enjoy the funniest comedians and you can even learn something during one of the many theater lectures.
In addition to all the theater performances in the Grote and Kleine Zaal, there is an extensive film offer from arthouse to popular (youth) films and documentaries in the Filmzaal and in the main hall of the theater.
Theater Schouwburg Amstelveen
Various performances are given in the theater. Find your favorite performance by guests like Jeroen van der Boom, Charly Luske and more ... Come and enjoy music, theater, drama, cabaret and concerts in the theater of Schouwburg Amstelveen.
Cinema Schouwburg Amstelveen
View the agenda of Schouwburg Amstelveen for the current film offer for the coming months and plan your day out!
Genres Theater Amstelveen
At Schouwburg you can go for different genres, namely
- Cabaret
- Dance / Ballet
- Movie
- Youth / Family
- Young people
- Musical / Show
- Music / Concert
- Musical theater
- Opera
- Theater college
- Theatre
Ticket sales
View the full program of Schouwburg Amstelveen on their website and order your ticket online.
You can often order a maximum of 4 entrance tickets online. If you want to order more tickets, you can contact the box office via kassa@schouwburgamstelveen.nl or 020 547 51 75.
What payment options are there at Schouwburg Amstelveen?
At Schouwburg Amstelveen you can pay with debit card, credit card, Theater & Corcertbon, Nationale Bioscoopbon, PODIUM gift card or a gift card from Schouwburg Amstelveen.
Online you can also use the PODIUM gift card or a gift card or voucher from Schouwburg Amstelveen.
Curious about the cultural offer of Amstelveen? View the Amstelveen culture offer here.